Our Program
Our approach is a model of recovery designed specifically for older adults, focusing on peer-to-peer recovery that is client-centered and accessible without insurance.
We know that consistent participation with a community of like-minded recovering alcoholics and addicts is critical for long-term rehabilitation, sobriety and recovery. Listening to others in the group is often the best way to achieve peace of mind.
It is our goal that at the conclusion of the program clients have established abstinence, completed step five, and started on steps eight and nine. It is also our goal that they are working with a sponsor and regularly attending a support meeting.
Our Model
At its core, our nonresidential program uses the 12-Step Recovery Program to approach addiction and recovery. Clients are exposed to each of the steps and many related topics over a six to twelve month period. Throughout the program, we also address the states of mind, body and spirit as they relate to recovery, rehab and good health for seniors. Topics may include strategies on how to handle loss, depression, loneliness, cognitive difficulties, chronic pain and grief. Left untreated, these emotional issues commonly experienced by older adults can lead to or aggravate chemical dependency problems.
Silver Sobriety’s program complements traditional rehab treatment programs. We assist our clients before, during and after treatment, and make referrals for a higher level of care as needed. Additionally, clients may participate in person or virtually from anywhere.
Program Structure
Clients participate in three, two-hour sessions each week for a period of six to twelve months. Sessions are facilitated by a licensed alcohol and drug (LADC) counselor or other qualified leader. Each week, clients are provided with age-specific reading materials, recovery tasks and/or exercises to complete. They are also invited to participate in a private, one-hour session with a qualified professional, as needed.
12-Step Recovery Program
To support an understanding of the 12-Steps, we teach the disease concept, recovery process, relapse prevention, and physical and emotional self-care. While the words God and Higher Power are found in the steps, we do not require or promote any particular belief beyond recognition that we ourselves are not the highest power in the universe.
How it Works
Group leaders adjust each daily session to the needs of the group. Review of the steps is normal and necessary to long-term sobriety, so it is not required that the steps be studied in order.
Long-term recovery may be sustained by working the Twelve Steps with a community of peers in a treatment setting. It is a simple program of study and action that yields results!
Steps 1 - 3
These are summarized as I can’t, we can, let’s commit to trying. Another shorthand version is: I want to quit, I need help, show me the way. They are the critical foundation for rehabilitation.
Steps 6 - 7
We build and encourage a humble and contemplative desire for union with God, as we understand God.
Step 4
Requires an honest self-appraisal of past behavior, and recognition of patterns and habits that perpetuated dishonest and inappropriate behavior.
Steps 8 - 9
We continue to deal with the wreckage of our past by listing those we have harmed and becoming willing to make amends to them all.
Step 5
We confidentially admit to another person, and to our higher power, the nature of our character defects.
Steps 10 - 12
Give us a way to live our lives in recovery by establishing daily practices to remind us of our commitments, to enlighten us, to continue observing ourselves to ensure right action, and to be of service to others.
Scholarships & Transportation
Silver Sobriety is a nonprofit founded on the idea of removing barriers that prevent seniors from achieving and sustaining sobriety – including affordability. As a non-residential program, the cost is much lower than a typical 30-day, in-patient treatment program. Many clients are eligible for scholarships that can cover up to 80% of the cost based on income. Clients whose Adjusted Gross Income on their most recent tax return is less than fives times the Federal Poverty Guidelines are eligible for at least a partial scholarship. Please reach out to discuss your particular situation.
Additionally, we want to ensure transportation is not a barrier for our clients therefore, rides are available for those living within a 15-mile radius of the Lake Elmo Area.
Voices of Success:
Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

Contact Us
11550 Stillwater Blvd, Suite 103
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
Call: 651-342-1402
Email: info@silversobriety.org
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